Repository of current information on infectious diseases
One of our goals is to search for, analyze and reach specialists in specific fields with important and up-to-date information on cross-border health threats in order to support open science, create innovative products and services, and stimulate an increase in health security in the Lithuanian-Polish borderland
Knowledge base
We share and disseminate information on current and strategic issues related to the protection and response to communicable diseases, such as: legal documents, research results, statistics, etc.
Healthcare entities
We present a list of medical entities from the Lithuanian – Polish border. The names and addresses of the establishments have been given in their original wording and presented according to the administrative division of each country.
Our network is a manifestation of common concern and willingness to cooperate in order to protect and counter cross-border threats to health. We know that we are not alone in this and we can count on external cooperation and support.
Interesting addresses
We provide access to interesting Internet resources related to the subject of the Network’s activities. Here you will find links to websites of institutions and initiatives related to counteracting and responding to infectious diseases.