Erasmus +

Erasmus +

Erasmus+, the programme for Union action in the fields of education and training, youth and sport

Programme objectives

The general objective of the Programme is to support, through lifelong learning, the educational, professional and personal development of people in the fields of education and training, youth and sport, in Europe and beyond, thereby contributing to sustainable growth, quality jobs and social cohesion, to driving innovation and to strengthening European identity and active citizenship. The Programme shall be a key instrument for building a European Education Area, supporting the implementation of European strategic cooperation in the field of education and training, including its underlying sectoral agendas, advancing youth policy cooperation under the 2019-2027 European Union Youth Strategy and developing the European dimension in sport.

The Programme has the specific objectives to promote:

(a) the learning mobility of individuals and groups, and cooperation, quality, inclusion and equity, excellence, creativity and innovation at the level of organisations and policies in the field of education and training;
(b) non-formal and informal learning mobility and active participation among young people, and cooperation, quality, inclusion, creativity and innovation at the level of organisations and policies in the field of youth;
(c) the learning mobility of sport staff, and cooperation, quality, inclusion, creativity and innovation at the level of sport organisations and sport policies.

The Programme objectives shall be pursued through the following three key actions which mainly have either a transnational or an international character:
(a)learning mobility (‘key action 1’);
(b)cooperation among organisations and institutions (‘key action 2’); and
(c) support to policy development and cooperation (‘key action 3’).


Key action 1 Learning mobility
In the field of education and training, the Programme shall support the following actions under key action 1:
(a) the learning mobility of higher education students and staff;
(b) the learning mobility of vocational education and training learners and staff;
(c) the learning mobility of school pupils and staff;
(d) the learning mobility of adult education learners and staff.

Key action 2 Cooperation among organisations and institutions
In the field of education and training, the Programme shall support the following actions under key action 2:
(a) partnerships for cooperation and exchange of practices, including small-scale partnerships to foster wider and more inclusive access to the Programme;
(b) partnerships for excellence, in particular European Universities, platforms of centres of vocational excellence and Erasmus Mundus Joint Master’s Degrees;
(c) partnerships for innovation to strengthen Europe’s innovation capacity;
(d) user-friendly online platforms and tools for virtual cooperation, including support services for eTwinning and for the Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe, and tools to facilitate learning mobility, including the European Student Card initiative.

Key action 3 Support to policy development and cooperation
In the field of education and training, the Programme shall support the following actions under key action 3:
(a) the preparation and implementation of the Union general and sectoral policy agendas in the field of education and training, including with the support of the Eurydice network or activities of other relevant organisations, and the support to the Bologna Process;
(b) Union tools and measures that foster the quality, transparency and recognition of competences, skills and qualifications (30);
(c) policy dialogue and cooperation with relevant stakeholders, including Union-wide networks, European organisations and international organisations in the field of education and training;
(d) measures that contribute to the high-quality and inclusive implementation of the Programme;
(e) cooperation with other Union instruments and support to other Union policies;
(f) dissemination and awareness-raising activities about European policy outcomes and priorities and about the Programme.

Jean Monnet actions

The Programme shall support teaching, learning, research and debates on European integration matters, including on the Union’s future challenges and opportunities, through the following actions:
(a)the Jean Monnet action in the field of higher education;
(b)the Jean Monnet action in other fields of education and training;
(c)support to the following institutions pursuing an aim of European interest: the European University Institute, Florence, including its School of Transnational Governance; the College of Europe (Bruges and Natolin campuses); the European Institute of Public Administration, Maastricht; the Academy of European Law, Trier; the European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education, Odense; and the International Centre for European Training, Nice.


Key action 1 Learning mobility

  1. In the field of youth, the Programme shall support the following actions under key action 1:
    (a) the learning mobility of young people;
    (b) youth participation activities;
    (c) DiscoverEU activities;
    (d) the learning mobility of youth workers.

Key action 2 Cooperation among organisations and institutions
In the field of youth, the Programme shall support the following actions under key action 2:
(a)partnerships for cooperation and exchange of practices, including small-scale partnerships to foster wider and more inclusive access to the Programme;
(b)partnerships for innovation to strengthen Europe’s innovation capacity;
(c)user-friendly online platforms and tools for virtual cooperation.

Key action 3 Support to policy development and cooperation
In the field of youth, the Programme shall support the following actions under key action 3:
(a) the preparation and implementation of the Union policy agenda on youth, with the support, as relevant, of the Youth Wiki network;
(b) Union tools and measures that foster the quality, transparency and recognition of competences and skills, in particular through Youthpass;
(c) policy dialogue and cooperation with relevant stakeholders, including Union-wide networks, European organisations and international organisations in the field of youth, the EU Youth Dialogue, and support to the European Youth Forum;
(d) measures that contribute to the high-quality and inclusive implementation of the Programme, including support for the Eurodesk Network;
(e)cooperation with other Union instruments and support to other Union policies;
(f)dissemination and awareness-raising activities about European policy outcomes and priorities and about the Programme.


Key action 1 Learning mobility
In the field of sport, the Programme shall support the learning mobility of sport staff under key action 1.

Key action 2 Cooperation among organisations and institutions
In the field of sport, the Programme shall support the following actions under key action 2:
(a) partnerships for cooperation and exchange of practices, including small-scale partnerships to foster wider and more inclusive access to the Programme;
(b) not-for-profit sport events aimed at further developing the European dimension of sport and promoting issues of relevance to grassroots sport.

Key action 3 Support to policy development and cooperation
In the field of sport, the Programme shall support the following actions under key action 3:
(a) the preparation and implementation of the Union policy agenda on sport and physical activity;
(b) policy dialogue and cooperation with relevant stakeholders, including European organisations and international organisations in the field of sport;
(c) measures that contribute to the high-quality and inclusive implementation of the Programme;
(d) cooperation with other Union instruments and support to other Union policies;
(e) dissemination and awareness-raising activities about European policy outcomes and priorities and about the Programme.