Internet resources dedicated to the protection and response to infectious diseases
We invite You to visit websites related to institutions and issues of preventing, protecting and regulating the spread of cross-border health threats.
Links take you directly to the website
Ministry of Health of the Republic of Lithuania
National Health Insurance Fund under the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Lithuania
National Center of Public Health under the Lithuanian Ministry of Health
“KORONA STOP” portal
Ministry of Health of the Republic of Poland
National Health Fund
The official website of the European Union on public health
DG-SANTE European Commission – Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety
European Center for Disease Prevention and Control
World Health Organization
EU COVID-19 portal
World Preparedness Monitoring Council
World COVID-19 Collaboration and Research Portal
European Medicines Agency
European Federation of Associations of Patients with Allergy and Respiratory Diseases
EURORDIS-Rare Diseases Europe
European Society of Lung Diseases
European Public Health Association
European Public Health Alliance
European Open Science Cloud
Database on funding opportunities for research projects
European Research Executive Agency
COVID-19 database